Saturday, April 6, 2013

The future is so bright I have to wear shades

Dear Ann Marie (that is so weird),

Hope this finds you smiling. I wonder if in 44 years you will remember writing this? At 85 I wonder if you remember anything. I bet you and Nikki threw Tom and Andy right in that senior center and took off. I am hoping the children are happy and living their life and making me/you proud. I can't figure out if this should be in the 1st person or 3rd. I just hope they crowned you Princess by now!

This is hard to write today since we lost so many warriors this week. I can't bare to think about who is still in this world and who are not. But yet my mind is racing. Was a cure found? Better yet did they find out a cause? I am hoping that more research was done for environmental factors and cancer. 

Did you remember to take it day by day? I hope that the stress of cancer did not take over your day. I want nothing more than to have you embrace your scars and see how strong they made you. Omg your tattoo, I can't wait to see how beautiful it came out. It will just enhance those scars and make them more badass I am sure.

What happened to Stupid Dumb Breast Cancer?? Did it become all you wanted? I hope it changed how people think about cancer. I just know that it helped empower others to be strong and keep their fists up. I wonder how much money was raised. Did the kids continue the organization? I bet they did, or maybe their spouses did! How many shirts were made? Where are people rocking them?

Did know that during all this you were/are amazing? Did you know how proud your mother is? Your grandmothers? Your warrior angels? You took this horrible, rotten, stupid dumb breast cancer and made it a fabulous, powerful, inspiring journey! Kudos to you old lady. I hope you remembered  writing this, shit I hope you remember where you put it.                  

Live, life, hope-
Ann Marie (41 and proud)
Ps. Do you still have purple hair?
Pss. How many tattoos did you end up with?
Psss. Does Tom close the cupboards yet?
Pssss. How are the implants?
Psssss. Is it like the Jetsons there now? I really hope so

Friday, April 5, 2013


SDBC-3 inch
The real ribbon

DAY 5……“If I could do anything as a Health Activist…” Think big today! Money/ time/ physical limitations are no longer an issue. What is your biggest goal that is now possible?

These are a few of my favorite things! Raindrops on roses, oh wait this is about health and I do not love whiskers on kitties! Yes, I want a cure of cancer but I can not do that these are all things I can and WILL do.
I decided to make a list, I do love lists…
  1. CHANGE big change. I would love to see the face on any breast care pamphlet be a survivor, a real warrior with scars. I want that pretty pink ribbon to be changed into a powerful pink stiletto. I want people to see what is behind that ribbon so they can get a glimpse into what this is really like. I feel like through social media I am making a change here and I am proud to be the face behind that ribbon.
  2. I want people to see that just cause the surgery, chemo and rads are over you are never the same. You are living life with scars, pain and emotional change. It is not just your body but your mind and feelings about everything!! This comes from sharing other survivor stories and showing the world how different life is after.
  3. I want a shoe designer to contact me about delivering shoes to cancer patients. My stilettos took my mind off of everything and made everyone smile. I sent a pair to a young girl going through chemo, Chemo Heels she called them. They made her feel fabulous! Come on Jimmy, Tory, Manolo, Louie????
  4. I want people to stop whispering about their cancer and be proud of how hard they are fighting. I am trying so hard to be proud of my warrior marks, I want others to embrace theirs more than I want to embrace mine. You know the old do as I say not as I do.
  5. I want to give others HOPE, I am a survivor and you can beat this!
  6. I want a place that cancer warriors can go to ask all those questions that they cannot ask their doctors. You know the TMI questions, if you are thinking it chances are others as well. There is so much to this journey that the doctors can not possibly understand or do not explain that survivors get.
  7. I want people to see that cancer is cancer no matter what your type, stage, or treatment. If your choices are lumpectomy with rads or a mastectomy you have friggin cancer! Those are not fun choices, at all.
  8. I want to be a real princess with a real tiara, you said think big!
  9. I want my kids to see all these strong survivors and know that some day there will be a cure. And maybe just maybe they will research their little butts off to find one!
  10. I want to have a place where warriors can get strong and fit for both their mind and body. I want them to be able to strength those muscles that are so compromised during surgery so they can have a better life after. A place they can talk about their life before, after, during cancer. WARRIOR WELLNESS was created for that. I leave there proud and strong with my BFF at my side.
  11. I want to raise money, oh wait $23,000+ raised so far. I guess I am doing just that. My goal is make fund raising well FUN. People want to help I want to give them an outlet to do just that. Come on who else is having a Cancer’s a Drag fund raiser???
  12. I want Bravery Bags to succeed. I can not wait to start to pass out these bags to warriors to show them that you can beat the beast. They need to see that they are not alone and what better way then with a bag of treats. I am hoping that we can get some companies to back us, you know any??
  13. I want an oompa loompa and I want it NOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWW!!
Call me Verruca if you will she was always my favorite. This is all going to happen, I may not be a real princess YET but I am a badass, cancer fighting, social media guru, warrior strong, stupid dumb breast cancer woman on a major mission!!

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Wordless Wednesday

WEGO health and bloggers will post something for the next 30 days. Day #3 is easy, a picture that symbolizes condition and experiences. This is the real pink ribbon, days after my mastectomy when I was unwrapped for the first time and the emotions that erupted from looking at my self.....fear, disgust, shock, yet life all rolled into one. Yet through the pain my girlfriends helped me laugh. Bride of Frankenstein and proud!