Monday, September 16, 2013

Boob job my ass

“Oh so you get a free tummy tuck too” WTF seriously FREE!! I had cancer that is where this all started not because I am obsessed with friggin Nip N’ Tuck. I never once asked for these foobs nor did I want them.  No offense what so ever to those with tucks and nips, none that was your choice and you should have at it. I have not yet met at cancer badass that has said “Phew I really enjoyed this whole process, I am sooooo happy I got cancer cause this is just what I wanted”. NO A SINGLE ONE!

I was going along fine with my floppy, breast feed out boobs just fine. Sure they sagged but they were mine oh mine.  Then BAM got cancer and it all unfolded. I needed to decided then whether it was lumpectomy or mastectomy, reconstruction or flat and fabulous. There was no one telling me to slow down and really think this through, what it is you want in the end. It happened so fast I made decisions based on what I thought people did. I had never wanted implants but it seemed my only option. Honestly I may seem all brave and together but I am not any of that when the idea of going flat was brought up. Call me vain but I needed to have something there. So I got expanders that they pumped up then had the implants put in.  That may seem so cut and dry but until you are in it the feeling is surreal, especially with cancer looming over head. Which from the get go I hated, no I will not go on again about how fake they are but that is how I feel like an alien. I have plenty of friends that feel great in the implants and are ok with them, but again they did not ask for them.

For me they are not working, not physically, mentally or anything in between.  So it is the DIEP and the real me. At the cost of a long mother fucking surgery, major recovery and whatever else is thrown at me but I did not ask for this. I need this for my recovery for my healing from CANCER. That is the difference. I did not call the plastic surgeon to ask for a tummy tuck/boob job, I went in for my follow up from this lumpy ass journey and that is what we decided.  I do not olok forward to a flat stomach (ok a little but that isn't what the big picture is about), I look forward to feeling like ME just a little.

PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE if you are reading this blog I hope you get the message I am trying to say.  If not let me clarify that  saying “Oh you are so lucky to get a free boob job” or “Oh boy a free tummy tuck” or “Aren’t you happy to have free perky boobs?” should never be said, ever! Add the neuropathy, lymphedema, nerve damage, weight gain and all the other crap that we get on top of the CANCER and it is not free, the price we pay is beyond what anyone can afford.  

This princess loves to ask for free shoes, a sparkly tiara on sale or a great price on a dress because those are fabulous! Getting cancer for a Nip N’ Tuck not so fabulous, just saying.


  1. Perfectly said! Love it. I have had another cancer but not breast but am a BRCA carrier and chose mastectomy as BC runs like wild fire in my family and frankly it scared the shit out of me to have to go through cancer again when they told me my chances of getting BC was over 90%! All these comments too have been said to me. You said it perfectly. Frankly, cancer or not, we do not CHOOSE to have our breasts scrapped out of our chest wall and go through the horrific pain and emotional turmoil involved let alone agonizing over the reconstruction decisions to choose(which I too hate my implants). These are decisions based on SAVING OUR LIVES. I was SO content with my real breasts. Now, I feel foreign and hate them. Self-conscience about them. Thank you for writing this. It made me laugh. Made me feel not alone in wanting to swear at some people. I love how frank you are in this. Thank you!

  2. I hear ya sista!! I get so frustrated when someone tells me how "lucky" I am to get a "boob job" and some "lipo". WOW... they have no clue! I have now had my third surgery on my FOOBs to try and look like me (which will never happen) or as close to normal as possible. I'm not sure if I'll need another surgery or if now I can consider the nipple tattoo. Aw yes... I always WANTED a tattoo... pffff! I just want to not feel these suckers 24/7.

  3. I am considering taking out the implants and getting the DIEP. I am going for a consultation in New Orleans. I woulf love to hear how everything goes. I don't know anyone else who had this done that I can talk to. I posted on twitter about it but got no response. Thanks.

    1. Are you going to the Center for Restorative Breast Surgery? I met a gal through Young Survival Coalition Tour de Pink 2012 that went there to have her reconstruction (after having implants that moved!!) & nipple tattoo's by Vinnie.

      I plan on scheduling a consult with them sometime early next year. I spoke to one of the doctors this February when I was at the C4YW conference. Are you on facebook? I can check with my friend to see if it would be alright to give you her blog site info (she videoed the tattooing).
